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5 Signs Of A Trusted Melbourne Roofing Contractor

The modern age we live in makes it easier for the average consumer to do some basic research into a company and decide on the best Melbourne roofing contractor for them.

Some are easy to tell but some you might find out when it’s too late.

Only go for licensed and qualified Melbourne roofing contractors

This is one of the criteria where some roofing contractors can lie through their teeth and say they are where in reality they aren’t and could leave you in a fair bit of trouble should something go wrong down the line.

Always ask this up front, even during the free roof inspection and confirm this before the start of any work. Most of the bigger roofing companies will have this covered, but you can never be too sure.

Every Melbourne roofing contractor needs to have insurance and provide warranties

Such a basic one here but you’d be surprised how many clients we’ve had tell us that the previous roofers/roofing companies who had worked on their roof turned out to have limited insurance and/or provide very limited or short warranties.

With something such as roofing (replacements or restorations) we believe it’s a cost you won’t splash on many times in a lifetime so why bother going with the firm who provides you the cheapest quote but can’t back their work up with a decent enough warranty?

The best Melbourne roofing contractors always have references

We certainly do, and so should others. The best references will always be previous jobs.

Yes, testimonials on a website looks great but much better if roofing companies can actually, physically, show former jobs and even get the homeowners to say a few words.

They’re honest…

A lot can happen from initial inspection to job completion.

Quotations may change, materials may change and even the service scope may change. So, it’s better to do your homework on what’s need on your roof before solely taking on another persons word.

It doesn’t hurt to get a few quotations and most of the quotations should be consistent in terms of work to be carried out, timeframe and even the cost itself. Anything too low or too high may need some further explanations.

The materials a roofing company will use and even the amount of materials (presuming it’s an all-in-one quote) could tell whether you’re being over charged. Every Melbourne roofing company has its suppliers, each with their own individual deals so markups for every roofing business differs.

Sub-contractors or no sub-contractors – get that explained from the offset too.

Even the best have bad reviews, no Melbourne roofing company is 110% perfect

Read the bad reviews and see what they did wrong.

The red flag bad reviews are obvious but make sure to look for consistencies in the bad reviews.

Do they always get flagged for poor quality work? Do the clients complain about the same thing? Have they developed a reputation for something?

Look into every bad review and see why it’s being left. More times than not, it could be down to a little miscommunication.

But if they’re being flagged, consistently, for safety issues and other red flag issues then it’s safe to say you can avoid them.

It’s also worth noting that many of the bad reviews get dealt with offline and in the case of it being overturned with both parties being satisfied, you may not see the outcome online. So, best to ask the roofing contractor about the review(s) and see what they have to say about it.

If you are looking for the best roof plumber Melbourne and a roofing contractor, Hit us a message and our expert will be in touch with you the immediately.


Choosing the right roofing company can feel overwhelming, but by keeping these five key signs in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding a trusted professional in Melbourne. Look no further than Harley & Sons Roofing – we embody all these qualities and are dedicated to providing exceptional service, clear communication, and top-notch workmanship.

With our proven track record, comprehensive insurance, and commitment to customer satisfaction, we’ll ensure your roof is not only secure but also an asset to your Melbourne home. Contact us today for a free quote and experience the Harley & Sons Roofing difference.


How do I choose a professional roofing contractor?

To choose a professional roofing contractor, start by seeking recommendations from friends or family and then cross-reference this with online reviews. Check the contractor’s certification, insurance, and experience – reputable contractors always come with substantial client testimonials. And remember, never feel rushed into making a decision; patience is key in selecting the right roofing specialist.

Why you should hire a professional roofing contractor?

You should hire a professional roofing contractor because it is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, they possess the required expertise to ensure your roof is installed or repaired correctly and safely. Additionally, they often come with warranties – protecting you if the work isn’t up to par. Finally, having a pro by your side can give you peace of mind during an otherwise stressful project. It’s their job to solve problems effectively and ensure your roof remains in good shape for years to come.

What are the characteristics of a roofer?

A proficient roofer showcases several defining traits. Foremost among these is physical stamina – as the job often involves heavy lifting and working at heights. Attention to detail is crucial too, allowing them to identify issues and implement remedies promptly and effectively. They must also be comfortable with working outdoors in all weather conditions. Last but not least, a good roofer should have both problem-solving skills for unforeseen complications and excellent customer service for nurturing client relationships.

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